5 – Brazil & another entity

5 – Brazil & another entity

When I return from Spain, I can’t imagine stopping for a second on such a good path. Sometimes the most greatest resistance and all the procrastinating energy in the world cannot stop us. What followed seemed so logical that everything fell into place quickly...
4 – Spain & the entity

4 – Spain & the entity

I sometimes wonder if fate isn’t a little bit tough. The events are such that I also wonder if I really have the possibility of making choices during this period, if it is really me who makes all these decisions and chooses all these adventures. But I feel...
3 – The surgery

3 – The surgery

My adventure could have ended there. Tumor, travel, healing, home. But that’s without counting on the incredible depth of this change of life. I am caught up in the flow of events, without hindsight, laid bare between pain and emotions. In this space, there are no...
2 – Ratu Bagus’ ashram.

2 – Ratu Bagus’ ashram.

On the way to the adventure, first solo of all my life. I keep a good memory of this experience despite the pain and the difficulties. These authentic moments when we experience our vulnerability are for me the essence of our humanity. Getting out of your comfort zone...
1 – The turning point of my life

1 – The turning point of my life

There are events that radically change our lives. For me, it was the diagnosis of Pseudomyxoma in this greyish month of January, in the heart of the French winter that turned my life upside down. This is how I found myself in less than 3 weeks, sitting on a plane...